Mobile Connectivity!!!!

Some of my friends claim.. that I talk on phone more than I talk with people in person…Which is kind of true..
It all started with most of my friends.. who are more of a family… started to leave Buffalo.. and we all still wanted to keep contact on regular basis with each other…so we started to call each other…
I still remember.. initially we all used to wait until 9:00 PM… to call.. and then some friends on west coast… used to blabber that they can’t stay in contact.. because of the different time zone…….
But evolution started to take place in talking over the phone…
Most of us are usually free or rather not buzy during the time frame of 5:30 to 8:00… Soon after 8:00 PM… get people around us and who shall want to talk over the phone.. when they have people around???…….
So eventually we started to leave the free time behind us.. and kind of started our conversation in peak time minutes…
The talks are not specific.. or rather there’s no agenda to chat about… its just the simple hi.. hello.. and kind of talk about anything that comes to mind.. usually what you would talk with anyone sitting next to you….( obviously someone you are familiar with…..)
So much is the attachment over the phone… that in past it did happen that if some one was in need to talk.. they did call at wired hours…. Knowing that the other person… shall defiantly attend the call whatever time it shall be………
Then there is this silly game going on of waking up other’s over the phone… when you are mistakenly awake early than usual time on a weekend…
In all.. For me phone has kind of keep my friendship alive… and I feel like we all still live together.. It’s just that we don’t see each other often!!!!
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