What happens in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas!

Neither do I have a writer's block nor am I feeling lazy to write. As a matter of fact at present I have three full pages of material to post here!! but will remain true to the subject line :)
It was an unique trip. As far as my experiences from the trip, shall let you guys/girls imagine as you wish!!!
thats not fair.......than how do we know what u did there...........
If you want details... give a call thats the deal :)
I'll call ya soon ;)
did u hv a Fling!! with a different end???
I wish so!!!!
unfortunatley nope!!
What is there in Vegas def stays in vegas but what you enjoyed there stays in you :D. I hope you enjoyed lot ;)
whoever wants the description of the trip can visit
But i m interested in your discription... what to do about that? ha?
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