Angels & Demons

Angels and Demons, we are none,
The deeds we do, makes us one.
Project yourself as one,
People interpret you another.
The only satisfaction you have,
You were true to yourself.
Satisfaction can be gained from both,
Guilt is there if you were forced.
Manipulation of thoughts makes you sad,
That’s the way to satisfy the emptiness of unexpectedness!
No one knows the perfect path,
Choose as you feel, considering it’s the correct road.
If you fail in time,
Don’t be shy to move back and make a right.
With time one will understand,
The path is good for you but unfavorable for rest.
So look out for your own Angle,
Quite possible it could be others Demon!
The deeds we do, makes us one.
Project yourself as one,
People interpret you another.
The only satisfaction you have,
You were true to yourself.
Satisfaction can be gained from both,
Guilt is there if you were forced.
Manipulation of thoughts makes you sad,
That’s the way to satisfy the emptiness of unexpectedness!
No one knows the perfect path,
Choose as you feel, considering it’s the correct road.
If you fail in time,
Don’t be shy to move back and make a right.
With time one will understand,
The path is good for you but unfavorable for rest.
So look out for your own Angle,
Quite possible it could be others Demon!